Hypnosis has long been associated with the strange and mysterious, with sideshows and faith healers. The truth is that hypnosis isn’t the least bit mysterious or supernatural. In fact, you have been in a hypnotic state literally thousands of times. You didn’t notice it because it seemed such a natural state of mind.
Hypnosis is characterized by an increase ability to produce desirable changes in habit patterns, motivation, self image and life style. Alterations may be produced in physiological functions, such as pain, as well as in psychological functions such as stress and depression.
It is important for you to know that hypnosis is not in any way harmful and that the hypnotic subject is always in control. It is your choice to enter the trance state, and you can always choose to leave it.
When you are in a hypnotic state your subconscious mind is receptive to positive suggestions. Because of this, there are many applications of hypnosis. Most hypnotherapy sessions require a light trance state to achieve the desired goals. The changes can make dramatic differences in your life style, success, and feelings of well-being.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), is an approach to communication, personal development and psychotherapy. NLP encompasses the three most influential components involved in producing human experience….Neurology, Language and Programming. NLP symbolizes the relationship between the brain, language and the body. It involves strategic thinking and understanding of the mental and cognitive processes behind behavior.
NLP is designed to be a guide for your behavior. It is a guide to help you make changes and avoid therapy and long processes of change. It does not look for “what went wrong” or the “whys.” It looks at what worked for other people. The NLP practitioner will use and teach these powerful techniques to the client. Therefore, arming the client with effective tools to accomplish goals on a day to day basis.
Hypnosis is a state of hyper acuity in which your subconscious mind is open and receptive to receive positive suggestions. Trained individuals use this method for the treatment of psychological or physical problems such as…
- Hypnosis and Pain Control
- Improvement of Symptoms
- Sexual Abuse Healing
- Fears and Phobias
- Weight Control
- Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Difficulty Sleeping
- Improving Athletic Performance
- Emotional Difficulties
- Improving Self Esteem
- Lack of Motivation
- Smoking Cessation
- Overcoming Depression
- Loss and Separation
- Bed Wetting
- Analgesia
- Performance Anxiety
- Fear of Public Speaking

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a very powerful way to help you improve your quality of life. Anything the mind affects, hypnosis can work on…..
Hypnotherapy has been proven to achieve successful results in a fraction of the time than other therapies
Noticeable improvements in some IBS patients receiving hypnosis
*In a pair of studies, scientists randomly assigned 138 patients with IBS that did not respond to traditional treatments to either 12 sessions of hypnosis or to a “control” group. One study, which involved 90 patients, saw 38 percent of hypnosis patients responded to their treatment after three months, meaning symptom “scores” had fallen by at least 25 percent. That compared with just 11 percent of patients in the control group, who were only given advice on diet and relaxation techniques as their treatment.
In the second study involving 48 patients, a quarter of the hypnosis group responded to treatment, while just 13 percent of the control group responded. That difference, said researchers, was not statistically significant, meaning the results could have been due to chance. Still, hypnosis patients did have a larger average drop in symptoms of bloating and pain.
SURGERY Hypnosis given during surgical radiology not only diminishes patients’ pain and anxiety, but also shortens surgical time and reduces complications from the procedure. (Lancet, 2000)
CANCER Many cancer patients suffer nausea and vomiting not only after chemotherapy, but before treatment. In a study of 16 subjects who normally experienced these symptoms, hypnosis alleviated pre-chemotherapy sickness in all of them. (Oncology, 2000)
IMMUNITY Hypnosis seems to significantly raise the activity of B-cells and T-cells–both key to immune response–in highly hypnotizable subjects. (American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 1995)
SMOKING Of almost 3,000 smokers who participated in one group hypnotherapy session, sponsored by the American Lung Association, to kick the habit, 22% reported not smoking for a month afterward. (The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 2000)
Mission Statement
Mind and Success is devoted to a compassionate service with the highest ethical principles of integrity. Our goal is to help our clients achieve a happier life, with better health and more success through hypnotherapy. We will strive to teach you to use hypnosis to help you use your mind to your benefit.